He was voiced by Wayne Brady, who also portrayed a villainous version of himself in Chappelle's Show. Despite being beloved by Inkwell and promising that the participants of his game will receive prizes, in reality, he actually uses the game show to bring more souls to the Devil. He is the Devil's, self-proclaimed number one, and the former beloved host of the game show Roll the Dice. He serves as the main antagonist of the Season 1 episode 'Roll the Dice', the central antagonist of the Season 2 episode 'Release the Demons!', the main protagonist of the Season 3 episode 'Down & Out' and one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Henchman) of the finale of the series' initial order, 'The Devil & Ms. King Dice is a major antagonist in the 2022 Netflix animated series The Cuphead Show!. ~ King Dice announcing to the Devil that he has Cuphead. I just captured someone you might be interested in.
Who will be the first lucky contestant to.